Saturday, June 11, 2011


I am thinking about resentments today. I realize that I have lots and lots of resentments that have occurred over my life. I am praying today to be rid of a couple. This is hard to do because I am not praying for myself to get over it but for the person I resent to have everything I always wanted for myself.

This is very difficult for me. Almost the very last thing I want for the person I hold resentments toward is good things. I hate to admit this but it is true. However, on the other end of that I want people who have resentments towards me to let them go and give me a break. This is not selfish and self-centered...RIGHT?????

Okay so today I am praying and praying and praying. It is nice to have an action to take to help me get rid of these resentments that are eating me alive on the inside. That's all I have got today. :)

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